A TV star

In just 32 days I will be stepping on the plane to go home. A reality that is creeping up on me a little faster than I would have liked. In fact I am waiting for someone to explain to me precisely how we got to November so quickly. It just seems inconceivable. It’s a sobering realization to discover how quickly the time flies. Not only that but also how quickly you can switch from wanting it to get to the end as soon as possible and wishing it would just break its leg and have to crawl or something.

On the brighter side I am a Honduran TV star. Yes that´s right, I featured in an hour-long show about Guaruma on the TeleCeiba network. Now I know I said I wasn’t great at bigging myself up but my Spanish was excellent. It was truly an epic moment to watch myself on national TV babbling away about the project, our newly produced calendar, how young people are the future (amongst other very loaded statements) in Spanish.

I don’t know if you will get me when I say this but when you spend most of your day talking in a foreign language in your head it still sounds really slow and broken. Even though I have never liked the sound of my own voice it was wonderful to hear how confident I come across in this language I didn’t even know 11 months ago.

Unfortunately my hair was a disaster and I had serious panda eyes after a heavy night out on the town. But I suppose it wouldn’t any fun if it was all totally perfect would it?

Speaking of which I decided to spare you all an epic blog about my disastrous bout of food poisoning. As involved as you all are in my life over here this year I thought an account of my bowel movement might have been pushing the needles too far. All I will say is a) I am off chicken b) I am still scared of needles and c) we discovered I have endemic parasites, which is something few can boast.

It’s my last four weeks here….wow that sounds weird.

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