
Tikal, Guatemala

Three A.M. As accustomed as I used to be to getting home at this time, getting up was strangely difficult. Either I am right and this is an ungodly hour at which you should never attempt to get up or six months of going to bed early has turned me into an old woman. At this point I really can’t be sure.

We found a convenient and cool bit of shade atop one of the many Tikal temples and took a snooze before spending a few hours climbing and perching atop all the others. I have never been to a Mayan ruin site before and I have to say it was pretty amazing. To sit on top of these huge structures that peek above jungles and think that they were built by hand is just incredible. Add that to the numerous other achievements of Mayan culture and you could be sat there for hours marvelling at it all.

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