It’s the small things

I am now I full resident of El Pital. I have discovered that the one downside to being a resident is the 5.30am wake up call. It’s not exactly a call, it’s just that Cuencan real estate does not really afford such luxuries as gardens and fences and designated space. What this essentially means is that I have to wake up at the same time as my neighbors, which happens to be at 5.30am. Lucky me.

I am finding that I quite like this time of the day and for the most part it is cool and quiet. I also like to think of it as a trade off of compromises. I get up at 5.30 without a grumble and they don’t complain too much at the fact that I fall asleep to the Sigur Ros album most nights, which no doubt sounds like strange news from another star to my Reggaeton and Bachatta loving neighbours.

I suppose there has been quite a few times since I have been here that have been ‘pinch me’ moments. By that I mean moments when you’ve taken a look around at where you are, what you’re doing and if you are actually here. This week has been full of such moments. The fact that my room is now finished has gone a long way to giving me a sense of place in Honduras. This is great because a sense of place has really been the only thing standing in the way of me completely enjoying my time here.

It’s been a tough few weeks and there have been times when I felt like there was no end in sight. However, between teaching class, making tortillas and now having a place that feels like home it I think from now on things can only get better for me here in Honduras.

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