Every building needs a gecko

Every home on the north coast of Honduras seems to have at least one gecko. At Las Mangas they have two. It’s a strange thing to get used to at first. They have a habit of scurrying up a wall when you’re least expecting it. Sometimes you’ll open a cupboard and one will fly out at you or occasionally you will wake up in the middle of the night to see one making it’s way across your window. Of course you don’t see the gecko, you see the twelve foot shadow on the gecko on the opposite wall – which is usually a little disconcerting. They click and quite often in the night you’ll wake up to them clicking or having a fight in the light fitting over who is going to get the bug. Despite these moments they are welcome guests and by far the best way to keep your home bug free. Today I found a gecko in my new classroom.  He was miniscule and almost transparent. ‘Every building needs a gecko’ I thought, now mine has one and he’s growing up quick. I expect this sounds like madness to you, but I really cannot imagine how I ever lived without a gecko in the house and right now I swear they are keeping me sane.

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