Note to self

  • Taxi Directo (the ones you and I are used to) go from your door to where you want to be. You can flag them down or call them but you have to negotiate the fair before you get in. They are expensive.
  • Taxi Collectivo. These operate in certain districts and cannot go beyond them. Lempira’s.
  • Buses 3 Lempira´s. They are generally crowded affairs. Rife with robbers, very loud music and a ´character´ of a driver. Knowing which one to get is half the fun as they have the route painted on the front, which means it says the same whichever direction you are going in. You have to rely on the bus boys that ride on the side and shout the destination. Considering I can barely understand it when someone spells it out for me this is possibly the trickier option for me. 

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